Founded in United Kingdom
Used by 1,698 happy customers
5-star reviews
Move to Thailand
Our team of experts can take care of visas, taxes, insurance, broadband, mortgages, bank accounts, and more
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1,698+ happy customers
Finance and taxes
Income taxes
Speak with one of our experts to discuss Thai tax optimisation based on your personal circumstances.
Buying property
Interested in purchasing property in Thailand? It's worth speaking with one of our finance experts.
Education Visa
If you’re aiming to study in Thailand, the Thailand Education Visa is your key to unlocking an academic journey.
Long-Term-Residence (LTR) Visa
Planning to reside in Thailand for an extended period? The Thailand LTR visa offers a clear path.
Marriage Visa
A Thailand Marriage Visa, or Non-immigrant O Visa, allows foreign nationals married to Thai citizens to live in Thailand for a year.
Elite Visa
The Thailand Elite Visa, aimed at affluent foreigners, provides a luxurious long-term stay of up to 20 years.
Retirement Visa
Applicants must meet eligibility criteria, including being at least 50 years old and having financial stability.
We’re faster
We’re a modern, digital-first firm that employs the latest technologies to make sure we process visas faster than anyone else.
We’re cheaper
We also employ the latest and greatest technologies to improve efficiencies. We pass these savings on to you to guarantee the best prices.
We're trustworthy
Unlike most firms, when you speak with us, you're speaking with licensed immigration lawyers, who give you honest advice you can trust.

Scott Hamilton, from Berkley, USA

Solved my visa woes

"After failing to get my visa twice, I finally decided to reach out to Movingto for help. Ariane explained the process perfectly and why I was previously unsuccessful. They went on to take care of everything end-to-end with a successful result for my wife and I. We could finally retire to Spain."

Bradley White, from London, UK

Seamless visa and NIF

"I initially just purchased a NIF from Movingto. It was fast and the communication was great. So, I decided to purchase my visa with them. Ariane kept me well informed during the entire process and put any doubts I had at ease. I really enjoyed working with Movingto and highly recommend it. "

Tim Greene, from Melbourne, Australia

Bank account done

In order to move to Portugal, I had to open a bank account remotely. I had absolutely no idea where to get started, but Movingto made it dead-simple. They explained what I needed to provide, and they took care of the rest. I was set up with an account from the other side of the world within days.

Want to discuss your options?
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Moving to Portugal:
We offer everything you need

Move to different countries

Our team of experts can take care of NIFs, visas, taxes, insurance, broadband, mortgages, bank accounts, and more.

Moving to Portugal:
We offer everything you need

Our team of experts and our easy-to-use platform can take care of NIFs, visas, taxes, insurance, broadband, mortgages, bank accounts, and more.

Portugal moving guide background image
Portugal NIF

Portugal NIF

A Portugal NIF is your first step in your move to Portugal. A tax identification number is required for banking, renting a flat, working, and living in Portugal.

All Portugal visas

All Portugal visas

Learn about all visa types available in Portugal. This guide will list all the options and explain which each one is for you.

Bank account

Open a bank account

Opening a Portugal bank account remotely can be difficult. You'll need a Portugal bank account as part of your moving process.

NHR Tax Regime

NHR Tax Regime

Learn about the NHR Tax Regime and why everyone is moving to Portugal. The Non-Habitual Resident is a special tax regime that gives you incredible tax benefits in Portugal.

Portugal Mortgages for expats

Portugal mortgages for expats

We've partnered with top lenders to give you access to over 2,000 mortgage deals in Portugal. Talk to our broker for free today.

Portugal's Broadband and Mobile phone providers

Broadband and mobile

The Ultimate Guide to Broadband and Phone Providers in Portugal. Talk to our expert for free today.

Health insurance for Digital Nomads, expats and Portugal locals

Health insurance for Digital Nomads, expats and Portugal locals

We've partnered with top health insurance companies to give you the best deals in Portugal. Talk to our broker for free today.

Portuguese birth certificate

Portuguese birth certificate

If you were born in Portugal and you're missing your birth certificate, we can help you get a new one quickly and easily.

best choice

Why Choose Movingto

Compare NIF prices
Lowest prices

Movingto is digital-only, with modern processes. This enables us to move faster and do things cheaper.

Compare visa prices
Fastest turnaround

Because we're digital-only with cutting edge technology and processes, we can process visas at a fraction of the time.

Learn about visas
Great reviews

Lower prices and faster turnaround results in happy customers. We get great reviews from people all over the world.


We are Dean and Ana, the dynamic couple behind Movingto. Our journey has taken us across the globe, from the vibrant city of Melbourne to the colorful landscapes of Spain.

Founded in April 2021, Movingto was inspired by our own experiences of moving from London to Lisbon. Frustrated with the process, we wanted to make relocating a modern, digital, user-friendly, and more cost-effective experience.

Fast forward 3 years and we now have a team of solicitors who have processed thousands of visas for people around the world.

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