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RHJ Group Review

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RHJ Review Summary

In our experience, RHJ Group offers a great suite of services, and their pricing can be fairly competitive; however, there are cheaper options that are much faster at processing visas and tax requirements. We recommend Lexidy Law Boutique instead.

RHJ Group Prices

Company Service Price
RHJ NIF 150 EUR Apply
RHJ D2 Visa 3,500 EUR Apply
RHJ Golden Visa 23,500 EUR Apply
RHJ NHR 535 EUR Apply
RHJ D7 Visa 3,500 EUR Apply
RHJ D6 Visa 2,500 EUR Apply

RHJ Review 

RHJ Group is a global company that helps both expats and businesses with strategic and professional services.

Their team of accountants, lawyers, and partners from different countries focuses on complicated and worldwide sources of income, cross-border company transactions, and tax planning for more than one country. They work with customers in a variety of industries, including social media influencers, licensed medical cannabis growers, fashion, cryptocurrency, and high-net-worth individuals, to name a few.

They are experts at preparing taxes, saving money, and making plans for the future. They have years of experience lowering their clients' tax bills and increasing their net income. Their team of accountants, lawyers, and partners from different countries focuses on complicated and worldwide sources of income, cross-border company transactions, and tax planning for more than one country.

RHJ website overview

They work with customers in a variety of industries, including social media influencers, licensed medical cannabis growers, fashion, cryptocurrency, and high-net-worth individuals, to name a few. Their international team of accountants and business advisors work together to provide accounting services for small to large businesses to individuals, corporations, and limited organizations.

When tax returns are due, most people and businesses think about hiring an accountant if they want to make real money. However, it's important to get ready ahead of time. RHJ Group is there for you in both good and bad times. Contact them right away if you need an accounting solution for your business or for your own needs that will help you cut your taxes and help your business grow.

They are experts at preparing taxes, saving money, and making plans for the future. They have years of experience lowering their clients' tax bills and increasing their net income. When tax returns are due, most people and businesses think about hiring an accountant if they want to make real money. However, it's important to get ready ahead of time.

RHJ services

They have seven offices spread across three different nations, and each one has staff members who are fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Danish, and Luxembourgish. RHJ Group has offices in London, Sheffield, Porto, and Nottingham.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is RHJ Group a trustworthy service provider?

Yes, RHJ Group has a large team of expert accountants, solicitors, and partners who focus on complex and international sources of income, cross-border business transactions, and working in multiple tax jurisdictions, mostly between the UK, Portugal, the US, and Portugal.

What services do they offer?

RHJ Group offers Portugal NIFs, NHR, Expat tax accountant services, UK international consultancy, UK Legal Services, setting up a business in Portugal and International Assurance Services

Can RHJ Group set up a business in Portugal?

Yes, they can help you form a business, get it off the ground, and grow it in Portugal.

Can RHJ Group help American expats with tax advice?

Yes, RHJ Group specializes in helping Americans and Britons who have moved to Portugal find a tax accountant for expats. They fully understand the tax efficiency of the NHR tax regime, the Golden Visa, or the US-Portugal and UK-Portugal double taxation treaties. Portuguese taxes are extremely complex.

How long does the RHJ Group take to do an NHR?

RHJ Group is extremely fast. Once you send all the documents they need to do your NHR, it can take them as little as three days to get it for you.

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Ana Fankhauser

Ana has worked in many startups and moved to a few countries, which led her to create MovingTo. She believes that remote work is a growing trend that is here to stay and that digital nomads will move to countries that have more to offer than the ones you were born into. She mostly writes opinion pieces for MovingTo.

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