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Portugal Golden Visa: Comprehensive Guide in 2024

Looking to gain residency in Portugal through investment? The Portugal Golden Visa is a residency-by-investment scheme designed for non-EU individuals.
July 11, 2024
Ana Fankhauser
July 11, 2024

The Portugal Golden Visa program has emerged as one of Europe's most popular residency-by-investment schemes since its inception in 2012. This comprehensive guide will walk you through every aspect of the Portugal Golden Visa, from its benefits and requirements to recent changes and future outlook.

As global mobility continues to be a priority for investors and entrepreneurs, Portugal's Golden Visa stands out for its flexibility, attractive investment options, and path to EU citizenship. Whether you're considering investing in Portuguese real estate, transferring capital, or creating jobs, this guide will provide you with the essential information to make informed decisions about your Golden Visa journey.

Key Points:

  • The Portugal Golden Visa offers residency in exchange for qualifying investments
  • It provides a route to EU citizenship after five years
  • Recent changes have reshaped the program's landscape
  • Understanding the details is crucial for a successful application
  • There are rumors that it is ending, which is untrue

What is the Portugal Golden Visa?

The Portugal Golden Visa, officially known as the Residence Permit for Investment Activity (ARI), is a residency-by-investment program that allows non-EU/EEA citizens to obtain residency permits in Portugal through various investment options. Launched in October 2012, the program aims to attract foreign investment and boost the Portuguese economy.

Definition and Purpose:

  • A fast-track residency program for investors
  • Designed to attract foreign capital and talent to Portugal
  • Offers a path to permanent residency and citizenship

Brief History and Evolution:

  • Introduced in 2012 as part of Portugal's economic recovery strategy
  • Has undergone several modifications, with significant changes in 2022
  • Has attracted over €6 billion in investments since its inception

Key Benefits for Investors:

  • Visa-free travel within the Schengen Area
  • Minimal stay requirements (7 days per year)
  • Option to include family members
  • Access to Portuguese healthcare and education systems
  • Potential tax benefits through the Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) regime
  • Path to permanent residency after 5 years
  • Eligibility for citizenship after 5 years (subject to additional requirements)

The Portugal Golden Visa has become increasingly popular due to its relatively low investment thresholds, minimal physical presence requirements, and the attractive lifestyle Portugal offers. As we delve deeper into the program's specifics, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of why it's considered one of the most appealing investment migration options globally.

Would you like to discuss a Portugal Golden Visa?

Our team are Golden Visa experts. Book a free call with a specialist now.

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Eligibility Criteria

Understanding who can apply for a Portugal Golden Visa and the general requirements is crucial for potential applicants. Here's a detailed look at the eligibility criteria:

Who Can Apply for a Portugal Golden Visa:

  • Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
  • Individuals aged 18 or over
  • Clean criminal record in Portugal and country of origin
  • Not on the Schengen Area entry ban list
  • Able to make a qualifying investment in Portugal

General Requirements for Applicants:

  • Valid passport
  • Proof of legal entry and stay in Portugal
  • Proof of qualifying investment
  • Clean criminal record certificate from country of origin and Portugal
  • Signed declaration of compliance with investment requirements
  • Proof of health insurance coverage in Portugal
  • Commitment to maintain the investment for at least 5 years
  • Evidence of tax and social security obligations fulfilled (if applicable)

Family Inclusion Options:

The Portugal Golden Visa allows for family reunification, enabling the main applicant to include:

  • Spouse or legal partner
  • Children under 18
  • Dependent children under 26 (if single and studying)
  • Parents of the main applicant or spouse (if over 66 or 55 and dependent)
  • Siblings under 18 (if the main applicant has legal guardianship)

Key Considerations for Family Applications:

  • Each family member must obtain their own residence permit
  • Additional fees apply for each family member
  • Family members must provide their own supporting documents (e.g., birth certificates, marriage certificates)
  • Proof of dependency may be required for adult children and parents

It's important to note that while these are the general eligibility criteria, each investment option may have its own specific requirements. As we explore the various investment routes in the next section, you'll gain a clearer understanding of which option best suits your circumstances and goals.

The Portugal Golden Visa's inclusive approach to family reunification makes it an attractive option for investors looking to secure residency not just for themselves, but for their loved ones as well. This feature, combined with the program's flexibility and benefits, contributes to its standing as a leading choice in the investment migration landscape.

Investment Options

The Portugal Golden Visa program offers several investment routes, each designed to cater to different investor profiles and preferences. Here's a detailed breakdown of the available options:

Real Estate Investment

Real estate remains one of the most popular routes for obtaining a Golden Visa. As of 2023, the options include:

  • €500,000 investment in any area for commercial properties
  • €500,000 in residential properties in designated interior areas of Portugal
  • €350,000 for properties over 30 years old or in urban rehabilitation areas (in designated regions)
  • €280,000 in low-density areas for properties over 30 years old or in urban rehabilitation areas
Portugal's golden visa low-density real estate map

Key Considerations:

  • Residential property investments in Lisbon, Porto, and coastal areas are no longer eligible
  • Properties can be owned directly or through a Portuguese company
  • Multiple properties can be combined to reach the minimum investment threshold
  • Mortgages are allowed for amounts above the minimum investment

Capital Transfer

For those preferring a non-real estate investment, the capital transfer option offers flexibility:

  • €1.5 million transfer to a Portuguese bank account
  • €500,000 investment in research activities conducted by public or private scientific research institutions
  • €500,000 investment in eligible investment funds

Key Points:

  • Funds can be used for various purposes, including purchasing company shares
  • Investment in research activities must be in accredited institutions
  • Fund investments must be in qualifying funds approved by Portuguese authorities

Job Creation

This option is particularly attractive for entrepreneurs looking to establish or expand business operations in Portugal:

  • Creation of at least 10 full-time jobs for Portuguese residents
  • €500,000 investment coupled with the creation of 5 permanent jobs

Important Notes:

  • No minimum investment amount required if 10 jobs are created
  • Jobs must be maintained for a minimum of 3 years
  • Part-time positions can be combined to equal full-time positions

Additional options include €250,000 investments in artistic production or support for the arts, and €250,000 for the recovery or maintenance of national cultural heritage.

Application Process

Navigating the application process for the Portugal Golden Visa requires careful attention to detail. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the journey:

  1. Choose Your Investment Route:
    • Research and decide on the most suitable investment option
    • Consult with legal and financial advisors if necessary
  2. Make the Qualifying Investment:
    • Complete the chosen investment (e.g., purchase property, transfer funds)
    • Obtain all necessary documentation proving the investment
  3. Gather Required Documents:
    • Collect personal documents (passport, birth certificate, etc.)
    • Obtain criminal record certificates
    • Prepare proof of investment, health insurance, and other required documents
  4. Pre-Application:
    • Register on the SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) portal
    • Submit initial application and upload scanned documents
  5. Pay Processing Fees:
    • Pay the required government fees for application processing
  6. Biometrics Appointment:
    • Schedule and attend an appointment at a SEF office in Portugal
    • Provide fingerprints and signatures
  7. Application Review:
    • SEF reviews the application (which typically takes 3–6 months)
    • Respond promptly to any requests for additional information
  8. Approval and Visa Issuance:
    • Upon approval, the Golden Visa residence permit is issued
    • Collect your residence permit card

Timeline Expectations:

  • The entire process usually takes 6–8 months from investment to visa issuance
  • Timelines can vary based on application volume and individual circumstances

Costs and Fees

Understanding the full cost implications of the Portugal Golden Visa is crucial for proper financial planning. Here's a breakdown of the various costs and fees associated with the program:

Fee Type Cost Range Notes
Government Fees €533.90 - €5,325 per applicant Includes initial application and issuance fees
Renewal Fees €2,663 per applicant At years 2 and 4
Investment Costs €280,000 - €1.5 million Varies based on chosen investment route
Legal and Professional Fees €4,000 - €20,000 Varies based on service level and complexity
Due Diligence Fees €1,000 - €5,000 For background checks and verification
Property Assessment (if applicable) €500 - €2,000 For real estate investments
Translation of Documents €200 - €1,000 Depends on volume and complexity of documents
Health Insurance €400 - €1,000 per year Required for visa holders

Additional Costs to Consider:

  • Translation of documents: €200–€1,000
  • Notary and registration fees (for real estate): €1,000 - €3,000
  • Health insurance: €400 - €1,000 per year
  • Travel costs for Portugal visits

Total Cost Estimate:

Depending on the investment route and individual circumstances, the total cost (including investment) can range from approximately €350,000 to over €1.5 million.

Key Points:

  • Fees are subject to change and should be verified with official sources
  • Family applications incur additional costs for each family member
  • Budget for potential hidden costs and unexpected expenses
  • Consider ongoing costs for maintaining investments and renewals

By understanding these costs upfront, investors can better prepare for their Golden Visa journey and avoid unexpected financial surprises along the way.

Residency Requirements

One of the most attractive features of the Portugal Golden Visa is its minimal physical presence requirement. Here's what you need to know about fulfilling your residency obligations:

Minimum Stay Duration:

  • First year: 7 days (consecutive or non-consecutive)
  • Subsequent 2-year periods: 14 days (consecutive or non-consecutive)

How to Fulfill Residency Obligations:

  • Keep records of your stays in Portugal (e.g., flight tickets, hotel receipts)
  • Ensure your passport is stamped upon entry and exit
  • Consider using a residence tracking app or service

Impact on Tax Residency:

  • Golden Visa holders are not automatically considered tax residents
  • Tax residency typically applies if you spend more than 183 days in Portugal in a calendar year
  • Consult with a tax advisor to understand your specific situation

Key Considerations:

  • Days spent in other Schengen countries do not count towards this requirement
  • Failure to meet these requirements may result in visa cancellation
  • Many holders choose to spend more time in Portugal to fully enjoy their investment

Renewals and Permanent Residency

Understanding the renewal process and path to permanent residency is crucial for long-term planning:

Golden Visa Renewal Process:

  • First renewal: At the end of year 2
  • Second renewal: At the end of year 4
  • Renewal applications should be submitted 30–90 days before current permit expiry

Renewal Requirements:

  • Proof of maintaining the original investment
  • Meeting minimum stay requirements
  • Up-to-date tax and social security obligations in Portugal
  • Valid health insurance
  • Clean criminal record

Path to Permanent Residency:

  • Eligible to apply after 5 years of holding a Golden Visa
  • Must pass a basic Portuguese language test (A2 level)
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence
  • Demonstrate links to Portugal (e.g., property ownership, business interests)

Timeline for Citizenship Eligibility:

  • Can apply for Portuguese citizenship after 5 years of legal residency
  • Must pass a Portuguese language test (A2 level)
  • Demonstrate sufficient integration into Portuguese society
  • Clean criminal record

Key Points:

  • Permanent residency offers more stability and fewer renewal obligations
  • Citizenship grants full rights as a Portuguese national, including EU citizenship
  • The citizenship application is separate from the Golden Visa process

Would you like to discuss a Portugal Golden Visa?

Our team are Golden Visa experts. Book a free call with a specialist now.

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Tax Implications

Understanding the tax implications of the Portugal Golden Visa is essential for making informed investment decisions:

Portuguese Tax System Overview:

  • Progressive income tax rates ranging from 14.5% to 48%
  • Capital gains tax of 28% (with some exemptions for real estate)
  • Inheritance and gift tax exemptions for direct family members

Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) Tax Regime:

  • Available to new tax residents in Portugal
  • Offers tax exemptions or reduced rates on foreign-source income for 10 years
  • 20% flat rate on Portuguese-source income from high value-added activities

Key NHR Benefits:

  • Foreign pension income taxed at 10%
  • Potential tax exemptions on dividends, interest, and capital gains from foreign sources
  • Attracts retirees and high-net-worth individuals

International Tax Considerations:

  • Double-taxation agreements with many countries
  • Importance of proper tax planning to avoid unintended consequences
  • Potential reporting obligations in home country (e.g., FATCA for US citizens)

Important Notes:

  • Golden Visa holders are not automatically enrolled in the NHR regime
  • Tax residency is separate from Golden Visa residency requirements
  • Consult with a tax advisor familiar with both Portuguese and your home country's tax laws

Careful tax planning can significantly enhance the benefits of your Portugal Golden Visa investment. While the program itself doesn't offer direct tax advantages, combining it with strategies like the NHR regime can create favorable tax situations for many investors.

Remember, tax laws are complex and subject to change. Always seek professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances to ensure compliance and optimize your tax position.

Recent Changes and Future Outlook

The Portugal Golden Visa program has undergone significant changes in recent years, and staying informed about these updates is crucial for potential investors:

2022 Program Updates:

  • Exclusion of residential real estate investments in high-density areas (Lisbon, Porto, coastal regions)
  • Increased minimum investment amounts for some categories
  • Greater focus on investment in interior regions and job creation

Current Status:

  • The program remains active and accepting new applications
  • Increased scrutiny and due diligence processes
  • Growing emphasis on sustainable and impact investments

Potential Future Changes:

  • Ongoing discussions about further refinements to the program
  • Possibility of new investment categories (e.g., green energy, tech startups)
  • Potential adjustments to minimum investment thresholds

Market Trends and Predictions:

  • Shift towards commercial real estate and rehabilitation projects
  • Increased interest in fund investments and job creation routes
  • Growing popularity of Portugal's interior regions for real estate investments

Key Considerations:

  • The program continues to evolve in response to economic needs and political pressures
  • Investors should stay flexible and prepared for potential changes
  • Working with up-to-date local experts is increasingly important

Comparison with Other Golden Visa Programs

To provide context, it's valuable to compare Portugal's Golden Visa with similar programs in other countries:

Country Minimum Investment Stay Requirement Path to Citizenship Key Advantages
Portugal €280,000 - €500,000 7 days per year 5 years Low stay requirement, attractive tax benefits (NHR)
Spain €500,000 No minimum 10 years No stay requirement, larger economy
Greece €250,000 No minimum 7 years Lowest investment threshold, no stay requirement
Malta €600,000+ Varies 1-3 years Fastest path to citizenship, strong passport

Unique Advantages of Portugal's Program:

  • One of the lowest minimum stay requirements in Europe
  • Attractive tax benefits through the NHR regime
  • High quality of life and lower cost of living compared to other Western European countries
  • Strong real estate market with potential for appreciation

Key Takeaways:

  • Portugal's program offers a balanced mix of accessibility and benefits
  • Each country's program has its strengths, suited to different investor profiles
  • Consider long-term goals (e.g., EU citizenship) when comparing programs

Success Stories and Case Studies

Real-life examples can provide valuable insights into the Golden Visa experience. Here are a few diverse scenarios:

Case Study 1: Real Estate Investment in Algarve

Investor Profile: Sarah, 52, British entrepreneur

Investment: €500,000 in a vacation property


  • Successfully obtained Golden Visa within 7 months
  • Property now generates rental income
  • Plans to retire in Portugal in the future

Key Takeaway: Combining investment with lifestyle and retirement planning

Case Study 2: Investment Fund Route

Investor Profile: Raj, 40, Indian tech executive

Investment: €500,000 in a Portuguese venture capital fund


  • Visa approved in 5 months
  • Fund performing well, providing passive income
  • Exploring business opportunities in Portugal's tech sector

Key Takeaway: Leveraging investment for both residency and financial growth

Case Study 3: Job Creation in Porto

Investor Profile: Carlos and Maria, Brazilian couple in their 60s

Investment: €350,000 to start a boutique hotel, creating 12 jobs


  • Golden Visa obtained for both within 9 months
  • Business breaking even after 18 months
  • Successfully integrated into local community

Key Takeaway: Combining investment with active business management

These case studies demonstrate the versatility of the Portugal Golden Visa program and how it can be tailored to different investor profiles and objectives. While individual experiences may vary, these stories highlight the potential benefits and considerations of the program.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While the Portugal Golden Visa program offers numerous benefits, applicants may face certain challenges. Here's how to navigate potential pitfalls:

Language Barrier:

Challenge: All official documents must be in Portuguese.


  • Work with certified translators
  • Consider learning basic Portuguese to ease communication
  • Use a bilingual lawyer or consultant

Property Market Complexities:

Challenge: Navigating the Portuguese real estate market, especially with new location restrictions.


  • Engage a reputable local real estate agent
  • Conduct thorough due diligence on properties and locations
  • Consider working with a lawyer who specializes in real estate transactions

Document Gathering:

Challenge: Collecting and authenticating all required documents can be time-consuming.


  • Start the process early
  • Use a checklist to track document requirements
  • Consider hiring a local lawyer to assist with document preparation

Investment Verification:

Challenge: Proving the legitimacy and source of investment funds.


  • Maintain clear records of fund sources
  • Be prepared to provide detailed financial documentation
  • Work with a financial advisor familiar with international transactions

Meeting Stay Requirements:

Challenge: Fulfilling minimum stay durations while managing other commitments.


  • Plan trips to Portugal in advance
  • Combine necessary visits with leisure time to explore the country
  • Keep detailed records of your stays

Processing Delays:

Challenge: Unexpected delays in application processing.


  • Apply well in advance of any planned move
  • Stay in regular contact with your legal representative
  • Be prepared to provide additional information promptly, if requested

By anticipating these challenges and implementing proactive solutions, applicants can significantly smooth their Golden Visa journey.

Applying from Different Countries

When applying for the Portugal Golden Visa, it's important to consider the different laws and process for each country. Knowing how to apply from your country can have a dramatic impact on the time, success, and cost of the application.

Luckily for you, we've created how-to guides based on different countries, including, UAE, Qatar, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, the USA, India, and Pakistan.

Choosing the Right Professionals

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Our team are Golden Visa experts. Book a free call with a specialist now.

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The success of your Golden Visa application often hinges on the quality of professional assistance you receive. Here's how to select the right experts:

Importance of Legal Assistance:

  • Navigating complex Portuguese laws and regulations
  • Ensuring all documents are correctly prepared and submitted
  • Representing your interests throughout the application process

How to Select Reputable Lawyers and Advisors:

  • Check credentials and membership in professional associations
  • Look for specialists with extensive experience in Golden Visa applications
  • Read reviews and ask for client references
  • Ensure clear communication and transparency in fees

Key Professionals to Consider:

  1. Immigration Lawyer:
    • Specializes in Portuguese immigration law
    • Guides you through the Golden Visa application process
  2. Real Estate Agent (if applicable):
    • Helps find suitable properties that meet Golden Visa requirements
    • Understands local market trends and regulations
  3. Tax Advisor:
    • Provides guidance on tax implications in Portugal and your home country
    • Assists with potential Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) status application
  4. Financial Advisor:
    • Helps structure your investment to meet program requirements
    • Offers advice on currency exchange and fund transfers
  5. Property Manager (if investing in real estate):
    • Manages your property if you're not residing in Portugal full-time
    • Ensures compliance with local regulations

Remember, while professional fees may seem significant, expert guidance can save you time, prevent costly mistakes, and increase your chances of a successful application.

Living in Portugal

Understanding what life in Portugal entails is crucial for Golden Visa investors considering spending significant time in the country:

Quality of Life:

  • High standard of living at a relatively low cost
  • Ranked as one of the safest countries in the world
  • Mild climate with 300+ days of sunshine per year
  • Rich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes


  • Free public education system
  • Growing number of international schools in major cities
  • Universities offering programs in English
  • Opportunity for children to become bilingual


  • Universal healthcare system (SNS) accessible to residents
  • Option to use private healthcare facilities
  • High-quality medical care at competitive prices
  • Ranked 12th in the World Health Organization's healthcare system ranking

Culture and Lifestyle:

  • Relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle
  • Emphasis on work-life balance
  • Rich culinary traditions
  • Vibrant arts and music scene

Expat Communities:

  • Welcoming attitude towards foreigners
  • Large expat communities in Lisbon, Porto, and the Algarve
  • Numerous networking and social groups for international residents

Business Environment:

  • Growing startup ecosystem, especially in tech
  • Government initiatives to attract foreign investment
  • Strategic location for businesses looking to expand into Europe or Africa

Key Considerations:

  • Learning Portuguese can greatly enhance your experience
  • Cost of living varies significantly between urban and rural areas
  • Adaptation to a different pace of life and bureaucratic processes

By understanding these aspects of life in Portugal, Golden Visa investors can better assess whether the country aligns with their lifestyle preferences and long-term goals.

FAQs about the Portugal Golden Visa

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Portugal Golden Visa program:

Q: Can I apply for Portuguese citizenship after obtaining a Golden Visa?

A: Yes, you can apply for citizenship after holding your Golden Visa for 5 years, provided you meet other requirements, such as basic Portuguese language proficiency.

Q: Do I need to live in Portugal full-time with a Golden Visa?

A: No, one of the main advantages of the Golden Visa is its minimal stay requirement—just 7 days in the first year and 14 days in subsequent 2-year periods.

Q: Can I bring my family with my Golden Visa application?

A: Yes, the Golden Visa allows for family reunification, including spouse, dependent children, and in some cases, dependent parents.

Q: Is it possible to get a mortgage for a Golden Visa real estate investment?

A: Yes, it's possible to get a mortgage, but the minimum investment amount must be free of any financing.

Q: What happens if I sell my investment property before the 5-year period ends?

A: Selling before 5 years could result in the cancellation of your Golden Visa. However, you can reinvest in another qualifying option to maintain your status.

Q: Can I work or study in Portugal with a Golden Visa?

A: Yes, Golden Visa holders have the right to work or study in Portugal.

Q: How does the Golden Visa affect my tax status?

A: The Golden Visa itself doesn't determine your tax residency. However, spending more than 183 days in Portugal in a calendar year typically makes you a tax resident.

Q: Is the Golden Visa program likely to end soon?

A: While there have been changes to the program, there are currently no official plans to end it. However, it's subject to ongoing review and potential modifications.

Resources and Further Reading

To deepen your understanding of the Portugal Golden Visa program, here are some valuable resources:

Official Government Links:

Recommended Books:

  • "The Complete Guide to Portugal Golden Visa" by Marta Rocha
  • "Buying Property in Portugal" by Gabrielle Collison

Useful Tools and Calculators:

Additional Online Resources:

  • Expatica Portugal: Comprehensive guides on living in Portugal
  • Portugal News: English-language news source for updates on Golden Visa policies
  • AICEP Portugal Global: Information on investing in Portugal

Professional Associations:

  • Portuguese Bar Association: For finding qualified lawyers
  • APEMIP (Portuguese Association of Real Estate Professionals): For real estate guidance

Remember to verify information from multiple sources and consult with legal professionals for the most up-to-date and accurate advice tailored to your situation.


The Portugal Golden Visa program continues to be an attractive option for non-EU investors seeking residency in a European country. Its combination of flexible stay requirements, diverse investment options, and a path to EU citizenship makes it stand out among similar programs globally.

Key Takeaways:

  • The program offers multiple investment routes, catering to different investor profiles
  • Recent changes have shifted focus to less densely populated areas and specific investment types
  • The application process, while complex, can be navigated successfully with proper guidance
  • Portugal offers a high quality of life, making it an appealing destination for residence

As you consider the Portugal Golden Visa, remember:

  • Conduct thorough due diligence on all investment options
  • Stay informed about program changes and updates
  • Work with reputable local professionals for the best chance of success
  • Consider long-term goals beyond just obtaining residency

Whether you're attracted by the investment opportunities, the Portuguese lifestyle, or the prospect of EU citizenship, the Golden Visa program offers a pathway to achieving these goals. However, it's crucial to approach the process with careful planning, realistic expectations, and expert guidance.

As Portugal continues to balance the benefits of foreign investment with sustainable development and social considerations, the Golden Visa program may evolve further. Staying informed and adaptable will be key to successfully navigating this opportunity.

Ultimately, the Portugal Golden Visa is not just an investment in residency; it's an investment in a new lifestyle, potential business opportunities, and a future in one of Europe's most charming and welcoming countries.

Would you like to discuss a Portugal Golden Visa?

Our team are Golden Visa experts. Book a free call with a specialist now.

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