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10 Cheapest Countries to Retire: Your Guide in 2024

Are you scouting for a retirement locale that marries affordability with quality? We’ve got you covered.
April 22, 2024
10 Cheapest Countries to Retire: Your Guide in 2024
Ana Fankhauser
April 22, 2024

Are you scouting for a retirement locale that marries affordability with quality? We’ve got you covered. In our roundup of the cheapest countries to retire to, we examine cost-efficient spots that guarantee a content retirement lifestyle, complete with good healthcare. Keep reading to pinpoint places where your retirement budget will flourish.

Key Takeaways

  • Portugal, Malaysia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Thailand, Spain, Vietnam, and Colombia are highlighted as the top 10 affordable countries for retirees, offering a high quality of life at a lower cost relative to the US and other Western countries.
  • Each country offers simple visa and residency requirements catered to retirees, access to public and private healthcare systems, and advice on acquiring comprehensive health insurance for better medical care coverage.
  • The listed countries not only provide financial benefits but also diverse lifestyle options and attractions like cultural experiences, natural beauty, welcoming communities, and modern amenities, appealing to retirees with various lifestyle preferences.

Portugal: An Affordable European Haven

PortugalPortugal's diverse locations

Nestled on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, Portugal has steadily risen to the top of the list for retirement destinations. Renowned for its high quality of life, this European gem offers an affordable lifestyle that doesn’t compromise on comfort or excitement. Portugal is a vibrant blend of old-world charm and modern convenience, ranking 6th on the Global Peace Index.

Whether you are drawn to the sunny charm of the Algarve or the island beauty of Madeira, Portugal is one of the most affordable places to retire while offering a diverse range of locations to call home.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Portugal simplifies the process for retirees with its easy-to-navigate visa and residency programs. The residence permit for retirees is valid for five years, allowing you ample time to settle into your new home. However, it’s important to note that applicants must provide proof of health insurance, ensuring that you are covered during your stay.

While the visa requirements might initially appear complex, a valid passport and adequate preparation pave the way for a blissful retirement in this European country, making it an ideal destination to retire abroad.

Healthcare System

When deciding on a place to retire, healthcare is a crucial factor, and Portugal stands up to the test. National Health Service allows legal residents to register and provides them with access to public hospitals and health centers for their healthcare needs. This ensures that legal residents can receive the necessary medical care when needed. However, it’s recommended that retirees obtain private insurance for comprehensive healthcare coverage, guaranteeing access to medical care whenever necessary.

Moreover, expats with NHR (Non-Habitual Resident) qualification in Portugal are exempt from income tax for the next 10 years. It’s a relief to know that while you’re enjoying your retirement in Portugal, your healthcare needs are well taken care of.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Adopting the Portuguese lifestyle involves diving into a culturally rich environment, savoring the warm climate, and building relationships with amicable locals. Portugal’s laid-back vibe and comfortable lifestyle are ideal for retirees seeking a peaceful yet exciting life. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, relaxing by the beach, or tasting the local cuisine, the possibilities for leisure are endless.

The robust expatriate community provides a ready-made social network for retirees to tap into, allowing you to integrate with the community and experience international living through cultural immersion.

Malaysia: A Hidden Gem in Southeast Asia

Malaysia: A Hidden Gem in Southeast Asia

Tucked away in the southeastern edge of Asia is the hidden gem of Malaysia. Offering a blend of urban conveniences and natural beauty, Malaysia is an attractive destination for those seeking an affordable retirement haven. Popular retirement destinations like Penang Island and Kuala Lumpur provide a comfortable lifestyle that doesn’t break the bank.

Retirees in Malaysia can enjoy a range of activities, such as:

  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Swimming
  • Strolling on the beaches, particularly on Penang Island

With the cost of living significantly lower than in the US or Europe, Malaysia is a great destination for retirees.

Visa and Residency Requirements

For potential retirees, Malaysia provides a retiree visa via the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) program, offering up to a ten-year visa for foreigners. However, to access medical treatment at public hospitals at fixed rates, foreign retirees are required to have the Foreign Worker Hospitalization and Surgical Insurance Scheme.

The Employee Provident Fund also enables foreign retirees to save for their golden years and medical expenses, further enhancing the appeal of this Southeast Asian gem in the global retirement index.

Healthcare System

Malaysia’s healthcare system is structured to serve both public and private sectors. The government heavily subsidizes the public sector, making it an affordable option for retirees. Despite this, about 6.9% of Malaysians opt for private insurance, mostly paying out-of-pocket. Foreigners living in Malaysia, including expats, cannot access the local government insurance scheme and must opt for private international medical insurance plans.

Significant disparities exist in healthcare quality between urban and rural areas in Malaysia, which may influence expats’ decisions on where to settle for superior healthcare options, considering other important lifestyle factors.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Retiring in Malaysia allows for a lifestyle brimming with modern amenities surrounded by natural beauty. Urban areas like George Town offer an affordable cost of living, with the average cost for a one-bedroom apartment being $278 in urban areas and $174 in the suburbs.

Whether you prefer the bustling city life of Kuala Lumpur or the serene beauty of Penang Island, Malaysia offers a variety of lifestyle options to suit every retiree’s preferences.

Mexico: A Close-to-Home Retirement Paradise

Mexico: A Close-to-Home Retirement Paradise

Just a hop, skip, and a jump from the United States, Mexico provides a close-to-home retirement paradise, offering a variety of climates, lifestyles, and a cost of living that is significantly lower than in North America. From the vibrant city life in Cancun to the laid-back coastal towns of Puerto Vallarta and Playa del Carmen, Mexico presents a mosaic of experiences for retirees looking for a change of pace.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Those planning to retire in Mexico can choose between temporary and permanent residency visas. The latter requires proof of higher economic solvency or a link to Mexican citizens. To acquire a Mexican Permanent Resident Card, applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial resources and an intention to reside permanently without seeking employment.

The application process includes scheduling an appointment with a Mexican embassy, completing a visa application form, submitting required documents, and attending an interview.

Healthcare System

Mexico’s healthcare system provides services from both the public and private sectors at no cost to citizens and legal residents. Many healthcare professionals are fluent in English, making medical services accessible to expats. Despite the option of free public healthcare, approximately 6.9% of Mexicans opt for private insurance, which offers shorter wait times and more comfortable conditions.

No matter the healthcare coverage chosen, you can be confident in the care of your health during your retirement in Mexico.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Mexico presents retirees with a diverse palette, ranging from the bustling city life of Mexico City to the tranquil beach towns of Puerto Vallarta and Playa del Carmen. Whether you’re soaking up the sun on beautiful beaches or exploring the rich local culture, the unique experiences in Mexico are endless.

With the cost of living significantly lower than the U.S., retirees can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle that includes regular dining out, cultural experiences, and the opportunity to travel within Mexico.

Costa Rica: Eco-Friendly Living on a Budget

Costa Rica: Eco-Friendly Living on a Budget

Costa Rica, often referred to as the “Switzerland of Central America,” is recognized globally for its commitment to environmental sustainability. With lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and a strong commitment to renewable energy, Costa Rica offers a unique eco-friendly retirement destination.

With a cost of living starting at $2,000 a month, Costa Rica provides a high quality of life at an affordable cost, making it the perfect haven for nature lovers and eco-conscious retirees.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Costa Rica’s Pensionado Visa necessitates evidence of a lifetime monthly pension of at least $1,000, rendering it a viable option for numerous retirees.

This retiree-friendly visa policy is just one of many reasons why Costa Rica is a popular destination for many seeking a peaceful and affordable retirement.

Healthcare System

Costa Rica’s robust and efficient healthcare system is deeply interwoven with its dedication to environmental sustainability. Registering with the National Health Service allows legal residents to access public hospitals and health centers for their healthcare needs. This ensures that they receive the necessary medical attention when required. However, retirees are urged to have private insurance to cover their healthcare needs, ensuring that they have access to medical care when they need it.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Renowned for its ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle, Costa Rica provides retirees with a tranquil and enjoyable retirement experience. From the bustling streets of San José to the serene beaches of the Guanacaste province, Costa Rica boasts a diverse range of lifestyle options for retirees.

Whether you’re a beach aficionado, an adventure seeker, or a nature enthusiast, Costa Rica caters to all tastes, making it a top destination recommended by travel and budget experts.

Ecuador: Diverse Landscapes and Low Living Costs

Ecuador: Diverse Landscapes and Low Living Costs

With its diverse landscapes and low living costs, Ecuador has become a popular retirement destination. From the breathtaking views of the Andes to the idyllic beaches of the coast, Ecuador offers a mix of climates and environments to suit every retiree’s preferences.

The affordable living costs, with a minimum income of $1,700–$1,800 per month, make it even more attractive for retirees seeking a high quality of life without breaking the bank.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Ecuador’s distinctive retirement visa options encompass the Pensioners Visa, necessitating evidence of a steady pension income. This retiree-friendly visa policy adds to the appeal of Ecuador as a retirement destination, ensuring that retirees can comfortably settle in this South American country.

Healthcare System

Ecuador’s healthcare system encompasses both public and private sectors, granting retirees an option for healthcare coverage. Although the public healthcare system is accessible and affordable, it’s advisable for retirees to obtain comprehensive health insurance beyond the minimum requirement, ensuring that they have access to medical care when they need it.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Ecuador offers a variety of lifestyle options for retirees, from the coastal cities of Guayaquil and Manta to the historic capital of Quito. Whether you prefer the beach, the city, or the mountains, Ecuador has a place that will feel like home.

The diverse lifestyles and locations, coupled with the affordable cost of living, make Ecuador a top choice for those seeking a rewarding retirement experience.

Panama: Central American Charm with Modern Amenities

Panama: Central American Charm with Modern Amenities

Panama combines Central American charm with modern amenities, offering a fulfilling lifestyle starting at $2,000 a month for couples. From the bustling streets of Panama City to the relaxed beaches of Bocas del Toro, Panama offers a variety of experiences to cater to every retiree’s lifestyle preferences.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Panama provides two main visas for retirees: the Pensionado Visa and the Friendly Nations Visa. These visa options provide flexibility and convenience, making Panama an appealing destination for retirees.

Healthcare System

Panama’s bifurcated healthcare system comprises both public and private hospitals, clinics, and doctors, offering a wide range of healthcare services for retirees. Whether you opt for the public or private sector, you can be assured of receiving quality healthcare in Panama.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Whether you’re drawn to the bustling city life of Panama City or the peaceful ambiance of the Azuero Peninsula, Panama presents a range of lifestyle choices to match your retirement preferences. With a monthly budget starting at $2,000, couples can enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle in Panama, exploring its diverse landscapes, rich culture, and modern amenities.

Thailand: A Tropical Paradise for Retirees

Thailand: A Tropical Paradise for Retirees

Known for its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and affordable cost of living, Thailand is a tropical paradise for retirees. With a great quality of life at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries, Thailand offers an attractive retirement option for those seeking to stretch their retirement savings further.

Visa and Residency Requirements

To retire in Thailand, individuals must be of at least 50 years of age and are eligible to apply for a Non-Immigrant Visa, Category ‘O’, alternatively known as the Non-Immigrant O-A visa or ‘retirement visa’. While it may seem daunting at first, navigating Thailand’s visa requirements is made easier with the right information and preparation.

Healthcare System

Thailand’s healthcare system mandates that retirees possess health insurance coverage adequate to cover their entire stay. While the public healthcare system is accessible and affordable, retirees are advised to obtain comprehensive health insurance to ensure that they have access to medical care when they need it.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Thailand offers a diverse lifestyle range for retirees, from the busy streets of Bangkok to the peaceful beaches of Phuket. Whether you’re exploring ancient temples, sampling local cuisine, or soaking up the sun on beautiful beaches, Thailand is a country that never ceases to amaze.

Spain: History and Leisure on a Budget

Spain: History and Leisure on a Budget

Steeped in history and culture, Spain offers retirees a unique blend of old-world charm and modern conveniences. From the bustling streets of Madrid to the tranquil beaches of the Costa Blanca, Spain offers a diverse range of lifestyle options that cater to every retiree’s preferences.

With a cost of living significantly lower than in the United States, Spain’s major cities are an attractive option for those seeking an urban experience at a fraction of the cost in the city center.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Spain’s Non-Immigrant Visa - Category ‘O’ facilitates retirees to relish their golden years in the country. To maintain this visa, retirees must show proof of a stable income, ensuring that their retirement in Spain is financially secure and stress-free.

Healthcare System

Spain’s healthcare system is celebrated for its high standards and affordability. While private insurance is required for Non-Immigrant ‘O’ Visa holders, it is more affordable than in the US, with monthly premiums ranging approximately from $112 to $224.

Once retirees become permanent residents, they can access the efficient and low-cost public healthcare system, ensuring that their healthcare needs are well taken care of during their retirement in Spain.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Spain presents retirees with a variety of attractions, including:

  • a pleasant Mediterranean climate
  • scenic landscapes
  • historical sites
  • a rich gastronomic and cultural scene

Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, savoring delicious tapas, or simply enjoying the relaxed pace of life, Spain offers a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement experience.

Vietnam: Rich Culture and Affordable Living

Vietnam: Rich Culture and Affordable Living

Vietnam, with its rich culture and affordable living, is increasingly becoming a popular destination for retirees. From the bustling city life of Hanoi to the tranquil beaches of Da Nang, Vietnam offers a variety of experiences to cater to every retiree’s lifestyle preferences.

With housing costs notably low compared to the cheapest countries in the Western world, Vietnam is an attractive option for those seeking an affordable yet culturally rich retirement destination.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Choosing to retire in Vietnam involves a unique set of visa requirements. While the process may not be straightforward, retirees often manage to secure either a six-month or one-year visa. Although property ownership is restricted for foreigners, a 50-year lease on apartments or homes is an attractive alternative for property ownership.

Healthcare System

Vietnam’s healthcare system presents an economical option for retirees, with both public and private healthcare systems available. While public hospitals may lack the same level of equipment as private ones, and the medical staff often only speaks Vietnamese, many expats opt for private healthcare due to higher standards and the integration of Western medicine.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Choosing retirement in Vietnam entails indulging in a lifestyle abundant with rich culture and natural splendor. Whether you prefer the bustling city life of Hanoi or the serene beauty of Da Nang, Vietnam offers a variety of lifestyle options to suit every retiree’s preferences. With the cost of living significantly lower than the U.S., retirees can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle that includes regular dining out, cultural experiences, and the opportunity to explore Vietnam’s stunning landscapes.

Colombia: Natural Beauty and Welcoming Locals

Colombia: Natural Beauty and Welcoming Locals

From the lush landscapes of the Amazon rainforest to the picturesque beaches of the Caribbean coast, Colombia offers a diverse range of natural attractions for retirees. Add to this the warmth and hospitality of the Colombian people, and it’s clear why Colombia is fast becoming a popular retirement destination.

With an affordable cost of living starting at $2,000 a month, Colombia provides a high quality of life at a fraction of the cost.

Visa and Residency Requirements

Colombia’s pensionado visa, accessible for retirees, necessitates evidence of a steady pension income. This retiree-friendly visa policy, in addition to the welcoming Colombian culture, makes Colombia an appealing destination for retirees.

Healthcare System

Given the importance of healthcare for retirees, Colombia provides a healthcare system that is both affordable and accessible. Although the public healthcare system is accessible and affordable, it’s advisable for retirees to obtain comprehensive health insurance to ensure that they have access to medical care when they need it.

Lifestyle and Attractions

Colombia provides a myriad of lifestyle options for retirees, from the busy streets of Bogotá to the peaceful beaches of Taganga. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, savoring local cuisine, or soaking up the sun on beautiful beaches, Colombia is a country that never ceases to amaze.

With the cost of living significantly lower than the U.S., retirees can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle that includes regular dining out, cultural experiences, and the opportunity to explore Colombia’s stunning landscapes. This favorable living index makes it an attractive destination for many.


Retiring abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience, allowing you to explore new cultures, landscapes, and lifestyles. From the affordable European charm of Portugal to the tropical paradise of Thailand, these countries offer a range of experiences to suit every retiree’s preferences. With a focus on affordability, quality healthcare, and vibrant lifestyles, these locations provide a high quality of life at a fraction of the cost.

Choosing the right country for your retirement is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Whether you’re drawn to the eco-friendly living in Costa Rica, the diverse landscapes in Ecuador, or the rich cultural experiences in Vietnam, the world is your oyster. Embark on this new chapter of your life with confidence, knowing that these countries offer a fulfilling and affordable retirement experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the most affordable countries to retire in?

Portugal, Malaysia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Thailand, Spain, Vietnam, and Colombia are some of the most affordable countries to retire in, providing a high quality of life at a fraction of the cost of many Western countries.

What are the visa requirements for retiring abroad?

Visa requirements for retiring abroad vary by country. Typically, you will need to apply for a retiree or long-term visa, which often requires proof of sufficient income or savings. It's best to check with the local consulate or embassy of the country you're considering.

What should I consider when choosing a country to retire to?

When choosing a country to retire in, consider factors like cost of living, healthcare, lifestyle, attractions, visa requirements, and local culture. It's essential to visit the country beforehand to experience the lifestyle and community firsthand.

How much should I budget for living expenses when retiring abroad?

When retiring abroad, you should budget around $1,500 to $2,000 per month to cover living expenses, including housing, food, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment. This estimate varies depending on the country, but it's a good starting point for planning your retirement.

What is healthcare like in these countries?

Healthcare in these countries generally offers high-quality services at a lower cost than the U.S., with both public and private systems and English-speaking healthcare professionals. Retirees are advised to have comprehensive health insurance to guarantee access to medical care.

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