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Buying Weed in Portugal: Your Guide in 2024

Learn about buying weed in Portugal, including laws, penalties, and how to stay safe. Find all the information you need to know with Movingto.
April 4, 2024
Ana Fankhauser
April 4, 2024

Marijuana is prohibited in Portugal, and neither its sale nor purchase is permitted. In 2001, Portugal became the first nation in the world to decriminalize the possession and use of all drugs, including marijuana, in an effort to combat drug abuse and reduce drug-related crime.

Under Portuguese law, possession of minor amounts of narcotics for personal use, including marijuana, is regarded as a civil offense rather than a criminal one.  This means that people caught with small amounts of illegal drugs may face fines or other civil penalties but will not face criminal charges or jail time.

But it's important to remember that having, using, or selling marijuana is still illegal in Portugal and can get you in trouble with the law.

What will happen if you're caught with weed?

If you are caught with marijuana in Portugal, you could be fined or given other types of punishment. Under Portuguese law, possession of small quantities of narcotics, including marijuana, for personal use is a civil offense and not a criminal offense.

If you are discovered in possession of larger quantities of marijuana or are involved in its sale or distribution, you may face criminal charges and jail. If you are caught with marijuana in Portugal, your exact punishment will depend on the details of your case and how the authorities decide to handle it.

Want to live in Portugal?

Compare all the best visas in Portugal to see what could work for you:

Visa Type Purpose Eligibility Key Advantages Key Disadvantages
D7 Visa (Passive Income) Passive income generation Income from sources outside Portugal Low minimum income requirement, path to permanent residency and citizenship Income must be generated from passive sources, such as investments or pensions
D8 Visa (Freelance and Remote Work) Freelance and remote work Self-employed individuals or remote workers with clients outside Portugal Opportunity to live and work in Portugal while serving international clients Requires proof of income and clients outside Portugal
Golden Visa Investment Investment of €280,000 or more in real estate or other approved investments Fast-track to permanent residency and citizenship, no physical residency requirement High investment threshold, potential for property market fluctuations
Startup Visa (D2) Entrepreneurship Innovative business idea and minimum investment of €50,000 Support for entrepreneurs and potential for high returns, path to permanent residency Competitive application process, risk of business failure
Tech Visa Highly skilled workers Employment in a qualified tech sector company Access to Portugal's growing tech industry, streamlined application process Dependent on securing employment with a qualifying company
Studnet Visa Education Enrollment in a Portuguese educational institution Access to Portugal's education system, potential for post-graduation employment Requires full-time study, may not lead to permanent residency
Family Reunion Visa (D6) Family reunification Close family members of Portuguese citizens or residents Allows family members to live in Portugal with their loved ones Dependent on the status of the family member in Portugal
Jobseeker Visa Job search Proof of job search in Portugal and sufficient financial means Opportunity to explore job opportunities in Portugal, potential to obtain a work visa Limited duration, no guarantee of finding employment

We offer all long-term Portuguese visas for your needs.

Use of weed for medicinal purposes

Medical marijuana is not allowed in Portugal. But the Portuguese government has expressed its interest in studying the possible medical benefits of marijuana and has taken steps to make research into the medical use of cannabis-based products possible.

Since 2018, the Portuguese Parliament has allowed the growing, making, and selling of cannabis-based products for medical and scientific reasons.

It's important to stress that in Portugal, having, using, or selling marijuana for non-medical reasons is still illegal.

Few stores in the city sell CBD, which is a legal alternative to marijuana.The use of weed for medicinal purposes is legal in Portugal. It is primarily prescribed to alleviate symptoms in patients suffering from certain medical conditions. A prescription from a registered healthcare professional is needed for its procurement.

Of the many compounds found in cannabis, two stand out for their potential therapeutic applications. These are delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component that gives marijuana its 'high', and cannabidiol (CBD), which does not possess psychoactive properties but has shown promise in managing conditions like epilepsy, anxiety, and chronic pain.

If you need THC, CBD, or any other cannabis-based medicine for therapeutic use in Portugal, it is crucial to proceed under the guidance of an expert. In this regard, your best course of action would be to consult with an expert in Portugal's private health insurance sector who can guide you on how to procure the prescribed medication while adhering to all legal stipulations. Fill out this form to get in touch with a private health insurance expert who can guide you on the most appropriate and legal ways to access medicinal cannabis in Portugal.

Are there marijuana coffee shops in Portugal?

There are no coffee shops in Portugal that legally sell marijuana or allow its use on the premises. Marijuana is illegal in Portugal, and it is against the law to own, use, or sell it. Few stores in the city sell CBD, which is a legal alternative to marijuana.

weed in Portugal

Where people usually buy and sell weed

The most common places that people try to buy weed are in tourist hotspots or through online forums. The problem with touristy hotpots is that they're often filled with drug dealers who will sell you fake drugs to maximize their profits. They are confident you will never see them again, and they consider it low risk.

As for online forums, this is common in all countries, and the risks associated with it are obvious. 

Navigating Portugal's Legal Cannabis Landscape

It's essential to be aware that buying weed in Portugal remains illegal. However, CBD products with low THC content are legally available. For those interested in Portugal's cannabis scene, it's crucial to stay informed about the current legal framework and abide by the law.

Ready to make the move to Portugal?

Portugal offers an unparalleled lifestyle for digital nomads, with a low cost of living, stunning landscapes, and a supportive community. If you're ready to take the plunge and move to Portugal, contact us for personalized assistance with visas, health insurance, and more.

Contact us now and let us guide you through the process of moving to Portugal as a digital nomad or securing any other type of visa. We're here to help make your transition as smooth as possible.

About Movingto

Movingto is a leading immigration law firm that specializes in helping individuals and families navigate the complex process of relocating to Portugal. With a team of experienced lawyers and immigration experts, provides tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.

Why Choose Movingto?

  • Expertise and Experience: Our lawyers have extensive knowledge of Portuguese immigration law and years of experience assisting clients with various visa applications, including the D7 Visa, Golden Visa, Startup Visa, and Family Reunion Visa.
  • Personalized Approach: We understand that every client's situation is different. Our lawyers take the time to listen to your goals and provide personalized advice and guidance throughout the process.
  • Comprehensive Support: offers a comprehensive range of services beyond legal advice, including assistance with document preparation, property search, and relocation planning.
  • Competitive Fees: We offer competitive fees and transparent pricing so that you know exactly what to expect.
  • Exceptional Client Service: Our team is committed to providing exceptional client service. We are responsive, attentive, and always available to answer your questions.

Whether you are an entrepreneur seeking to establish a business in Portugal, a retiree looking to enjoy the country's favorable tax regime, or a family seeking to reunite in Portugal, is here to guide you every step of the way.

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